+91 91765 00703
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600006


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Co- Founder
  • +91 91765 00703

R. Giridharan, a seasoned Practising Chartered Accountant with a 25-year track record, holds a Commerce degree from D G Vaishnav College, Chennai. As a respected Faculty of Taxation and Financial Management for CA, CWA, and CS students, he has imparted knowledge through lectures in various colleges across Tamilnadu, Karnataka, and Andhra.

Having presented a paper on the tax implications of startups at IIT Kanpur, Mr. Giridharan has been a cornerstone as the co-founder and partner of the firm for over 20 years. A Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), his expertise is evident in conducting various audits across diverse industries and sectors. Particularly adept in the core areas of taxation, both local and international, and their applications on financial statements, he serves as an expert in tax representation before Assessing Officers and Income Tax Appellate Authorities in India on behalf of the firm’s clientele.

Mr. Giridharan is recognized as a substantial asset to the firm, bringing invaluable contributions, especially in the realms of taxation, core banking sector audits, and insurance sectors, with a specialized focus on Systems control.

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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